

石川拓也  Ishikawa Takuya





アジア・アフリカ・ヨーロッパ約40カ国を1年半かけて放浪。参照:”エリトリアで借金を | トーキョーヨヨギで返済を




徐々にフォトグラファーとして独立しはじめていた矢先、2001年に911同時多発テロに遭遇。参照: “ある日のできごと | 日常の中の911同時多発テロ”



2009年9月ニューヨークにおいてSatoru Tanakaとの共同展を行い、その際再会したインド人の友人の里帰り旅行に誘われる。

同年12月インド・グジャラート州を訪問。以降現在まで度々訪れることになるあるインド人家族と出会う。参照:Days In India | インドの日々

2012年7月~11月、2013年4月~10月と2度に渡り日本一周の撮影を行う。47都道府県をくまなく撮影する。 参照: “Japan Turned Around | 日本一周2012”   “En Route In My Japan | 日本一周2013




Ishikawa Takuya

1974 Born in Chiba, Japan.

Played Rugby in high school. The team defeated at states’ final.

Enrolled in a univercity of international languages. But dropped out within 2 months. Decided to go on world wide travel that I’d been aspiring from high school days.

Worked for nearly 1 year to make money, left from the port Yokohama to Shanghai, China on Ferry.

Traveled over 40 countries for 1 year and half. For 5 months in it I worked in England for the short of money. During that period I got interested in photography deeply, went into Bosnia Herzegovina for shooting, but at the same time disappointed with so called “photo journalism”.

1996 started to live in NYC, US.

Studied on photography through working as an assistant, printer and pro-lab.

When just started a carrier as photographer, in NYC there was 9/11.

2002 moved to Tokyo, Japan.

Now living and working in Tokyo since then. Working for advertise and editorial.

September 2009, co- exhibition with apparel brand “Satoru Tanaka” in NYC. 

December 2009, visited Gujarat, India. met a Indian family whom I was to visit so often sine then. Reference:Days In India | インドの日々

July~Nov 2012, April~October 2013.  Travelled all around Japan twice for an assignment. Shoot  in all 47 states of Japan. Reference: “Japan Turned Around | 日本一周2012”   “En Route In My Japan | 日本一周2013

Started to visit Yufuin, Oita. Reference: A story from countryside | 湯布院

2014 present.  Although based in Tokyo, spending more time in outside of Tokyo, like India, Yufuin, NY. Working more like nomadic between cities. And also feeling free and comfortable with the way it is.  

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