
Happy New Year!!

posted on 1月 1st 2013 in 1995 with 0 Comments

Wish all my friends and family have a peaceful happy new year.

Wish we have happy moments as many as we could,

Wish we see each other’s smiles as big as we could,

Wish we have no more unfair violence nor any non-reasonable wars,

Wish all kinds of sufferings and worries we had in the last year would be resolved as soon,

Wish we could correctly distinguish

what is truly necessary for us all

from an excessive greed of vested interests.

Jan 1st 2013


Shonai Kagura, a traditional dance drama, Yufuin Kyushu.


Started on 12AM 1st Jan. Keep dancing for about 2 hours.


The story is based on Japanese folktales and myths.


A character called “Tengu” which represents a kind of supernatural being.


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石川拓也 写真家 2016年8月より高知県土佐町に在住。土佐町のウェブサイト「とさちょうものがたり」編集長。https://tosacho.com/