
The most iffy circus in the world | Bodhgaya

posted on 1月 2nd 2014 in インド with 0 Comments

a0102-240I found the world’s most iffy circus in Bodhgaya, Bihar. 15 minutes walk to west on the main road from Maha Bodhi Temple. It’s very strong one making everyone’s expression iffy.


 Entrance is the only place where you can see smiles. Fee is 5 Rupee (about 8 cents). a0102-253There is a “pirates” just after the entrance. Thick black smoke is out from that’s engine. But that’s only the beginning. a0102-273Though there is a merry‐go‐round,
a0102-289Kid’s face on that has iffy look like this.
a0102-691Man of a go-cart (hand‐powered) also has this iffy look.
a0102-674A toy seller has a iffy look, too.
a0102-646Big engine noise comes out from this.
a0102-304After paid 20 rupees extra, everyone goes up stairs.a0102-460Inside of this is like a barrel, there you see circus riding of motor bikes.
a0102-506Circus riding of cars too. Audience are just looking at that silently. 
a0102-600There are also many Tibetan monks came from Dharamsala.
a0102-613When it’s over, audiance go down stairs with no smiles. All iffy, no one looks delighted,,,a0102-756And here is the last! Though I thought of a haunted house at first glance,
a0102-71420 rupees extra. There I see a woman on the stage dancing with mysterious kind of music.
a0102-709Looks unmotivated,,,
a0102-717A magic show that the woman transforms into a cobra (ornament)  in a moment.
a0102-729Next she becomes a bunch of flowers.
a0102-734Again, she is back, then,,,
a0102-735A bid clumsy,,,
a0102-736Finally she became a boy!!
a0102-751the silent audiance hurriedly get out without any handclap nor standing ovation.
a0102-301A baby also shows iffy look.
a0102-655I’m leaving too.

According to my experience travelling in many countries, there should never be anything iffy more than this circus. If you know any, let me know, please/  


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