
由布院へ | to Yufuin

posted on 2月 4th 2014 in 由布院・高知・淡路島 with 0 Comments

a0204-15 a0204-3


飛行機飛ばないかと思った。a0204-15 a0204-3

Although I just came back from India, I did fly to Oita in Kyusyu. Got in an airplane from snowy airport of Narita. I stay in Bappu for tonight, will stay in Yufuin for a couple of coming weeks.

I was afraid that my plane hadn’t left because of snow.


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石川拓也 写真家 2016年8月より高知県土佐町に在住。土佐町のウェブサイト「とさちょうものがたり」編集長。https://tosacho.com/
