
夜中に響く謎の音 | 雪の由布院 The mystery of unknown sound in the midnight | Yufuin in the snow

posted on 2月 5th 2014 in 由布院・高知・淡路島 with 0 Comments






それにしても薪ストーブの炎は落ち着きます。a0206-1a0206-17The next morning I woke up, there is a white landscapes all covered by snow. Although Kyusyu is the south of Japan, Yufuin is in deep mountains. The snow is a lot.

When I got warm in front of the woodstove, I heard unknown sound that something was dropping in backyard. Is it SNOW dropping? I felt kind of insecure ‘cause it was so many times.

If it was kind of monster like NAMAHAGE in Japan, so scary. But the most scary is in case that is someone unknown. I heard the sound from the same direction.

I couldn’t see any though the window, I even thought of patrolling with a baseball bat. And suddenly I understood.

The chimney got hot, then the snow around it dropped on the ground. The sounds were from that. I decided to apply the idea. tried to believe it.

Anyway, the fire of wood stove makes my mind so calm.


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石川拓也 写真家 2016年8月より高知県土佐町に在住。土佐町のウェブサイト「とさちょうものがたり」編集長。https://tosacho.com/
