

posted on 8月 31st 2014 in 毒にも薬にもならない with 0 Comments


In the end of this summer, I visited IWATE and MIYAGI which are all struck area by the earthquake.

It’s to photograph and record “ULTRA CIALTHON” which my friend planned for the area.

“CIALTHON” is a shorten word for SOCIAL MARATHON, though which is a kind of running event, but not like competitive marathon, focuses more on communication with local people and culture, more on enjoying running with many people. Some runners even drink beer while they were running like ones of Medoc Marathon in France.

My friend, Kyo Satani, has organized  this “CIALTHON” in many places in Japan, and this time for the struck area, he planned long version “ULTRA CIALTHON”.

Though I didn’t run at all (cause I was there to PHOTOGRAPH), I felt and enjoyed the essence of CIALTHON fully. Runners run 30-40 km everyday, and during or after running, we met people living in the area, listened their story, which helps greatly us understand the real situation in the area.

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石川拓也 写真家 2016年8月より高知県土佐町に在住。土佐町のウェブサイト「とさちょうものがたり」編集長。https://tosacho.com/
